• How long are the contracts?

    No Long Term Contracts*!

    Subscriptions are week to week or month to month and you can opt-out any time. 

    *Monthly memberships require 30 days notice to avoid a $49 cancelation fee. 

    *Weekly memberships require a 24 hours notice to avoid cancelation fee of equal to one week membership fee. 

  • How do I cancel my subscription?


  • Can I share my subscription?

    Subscriptions cannot be shared. 

  • Can I pause my subscription?

    Pausing your subscription allows you to keep the rate you signed up with!

    Subscriptions can be paused at any time with 5 days notice. 

    Subscriptions can be paused for as low as 14 days at a time (two weeks)

    Subscriptions can be paused for up to 3 months at a time. Longer than 3 months require cancelation. 

    Email us at

  • Can I upgrade my subscription?

    Subscriptions can be upgraded any time by emailing

  • Can I downgrade my subscription?

    Subscriptions can be downgraded at any time by emailing 

  • What happens to my monthly unused classes?

    Unused monthly classes do not roll over.

  • What happens if I run out of my monthly classes?

    If you run out of your monthly subscription classes, you can purchase additional classes at $25 a class until your classes renew next month! 

  • Can I get a refund?

    No refunds.


  • Do 10 class packs expire?

    Yes. Your ten pack expires 6 months after purchase.

  • Can I transfer my unused classes to someone else?

    Classes and memberships cannot be transferred.

  • Can I get a refund?

    No refunds.

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